
  • Anyone use these containers for Ark Nova, Caverna, or Agricola? Looking for better organization and tabling speed. Would be interested in any War of the Ring (2e) recommendations, as well. 

  • Good timing! We are actually going to work on a set for Ark Nova next... hopefully have it up on the website by next week sometime :) As for the others, we haven't worked on anything for those games. 

  • @Ambria Lane I wish I could say yes, but we purchased a 3D insert for Ark Nova before we discovered Bits Bins and don't have the other two games. I'm looking forward to seeing what the team comes up with for it!

  • @Annalee Mangum Curious if there's any update here? I understand planning takes time -- just checking that I didn't miss the new listing. ☺️

  • I ran across this solution for Agricola on Reddit:

    Unfortunately they don't include a list of which boxes they used so you have to try to figure it out from the picture.

  • Solutions for Ark Nova ( sleeved or unsleeved) have been posted:

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