
  • BGG:

    BitBins: 2 XL, 3 Rounds, 1 Regular, 4 Minis.  
    could swap the rounds for 3 Regulars

    everything fits amazing with near zero lid lift

    Game is a tight worker placement, race game   Players use a rondel style action selection board to do various actions   These actions allow you to buy better car parts, actions and also progress on the race track   The end goal is to put cars in the market that people want to buy and send buyers to the market for the three end round buys  

    Wife and I really enjoyed this one   It is going in the top 150 for sure   Scales well at 2 as you put two dummy cars in the race and block off some sale/buyers locations   I feel at 4 players it would be a chaotic run to build though   The rondel is the only part that does not scale well at 2 players once you are able to predict too easily what will be the next few moves.  

    Artwork is excellent but typical beige for a euro.  Game is not complex and once you get the hang of it plays quick.  Our first game we played in just over 90min and that was with a longer teach by me.  I ended up loosing to the wife 98-133 so she trounced me.  Looking forward to tabling this again.  There is an expansion that adds American hot rods but I will have to see if it changes anything more then this game already offers.  

    rule book is pretty good but we still had some questions on the engineers that we just played as best we could.  Rhado has a full length play through which helps a lot to understand the flow of the game. 

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